Wednesday, 24 April 2013

[Ebook] Amazon Youtube Huge Profit Free Download

The 'Amazon + Youtube Video = Huge Profit'
method is a very simple yet
effective method I use to make hundreds of dollars from one Youtube
video that only costs me $30 maximum to create. This method can be
repeated over and over again. It revolves around finding upcoming
products that will be sold on Amazon, creating a video review for that
product, uploading to Youtube, creating some backlinks pointed at the
video and getting it ranked high in Google for the products release date
so that when people search for reviews or information one of the first
thing they see is your videos which prompts them to click on your 
affiliate link and buy the product. Simple...
You'll have noticed the amount of YT videos on page 1 of Google at
the moment. Youtube videos are much easier to rank than your own 
websites are because they are a Google owned property and Google 
gives them favourable positions in the search engines. They rank
 quickly and you can throw all sorts of nasty links at them to rank
 them faster without the videos being penalised like your own website 
would. I have confirmed with Amazon several times that they have no 
issue with you with posting Amazon affiliate links to your Youtube
 videos and directing the viewer directly to Amazon and I've been 
doing it for a couple of years now with very few issues.
So let's not waste anymore time and get down to business..
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